Added support for <model src> and honor <source type> attributes (257518@main)
Anytime I see mention of some element I don’t recognize, my mind goes straight to Huh! New to me, but probably old news for everyone else. It’s poor posture, I know, as it could just as easily be:
Hmm, looks like some propriatary experiment.
Wow, a truly new thing!
Truth is, it’s sorta all three.
It’s an evolving concept
As in, the first somewhat official-sounding thing I found on <model> wasn’t in the W3C spec but in WebKit’s repo for explainers. All that’s in the README is a giant note from 2021 that “The <model> element has moved to the Immersive Web CG.” I was about to hop over but my eye caught the file which has a nice rundown of early context on the <model> concept:
The <model> element was born out of a desire to take the next step and improve the experience of Safari’s integration with iOS’s AR Quick Look feature.
I had to look at Apple’s splash page for AR Quick Look. You know the new feature that some stores have where you can transpose a 3D rendering of a product in your own home using your phone camera? That’s the sort of stuff we’re talking about, and Apple links up a nice case study from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
As I understand it from this limited context:
Drop a <model> element in the document.
Add an external source file, e.g. <model src="assets/example.usdz">.
The original proposal is from the Immersive Web Committee Group
That’s the team looking make Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) part of the web. Apple linked up their repo, so I made the jump and went straight to the explainer. This isn’t the spec or anything, but the original proposal. A much better definition of the element!
HTML allows the display of many media types through elements such as <img>, <picture>, or <video>, but it does not provide a declarative manner to directly display 3D content. Embedding 3D content within a page is comparatively cumbersome and relies on scripting the <canvas> element. We believe it is time to put 3D models on equal footing with other, already supported, media types.
The HTML <model> element aims to allow a website to embed interactive 3D models as conveniently as any other visual media. Models are expected to be created by 3D authoring tools or generated dynamically, but served as a standalone resource by the server.
The basic example pulls this together. It really does feel like the <video> or <picture> elements:
.usdz? .glb? Not the type of files that typically cross my desk. Guess I’ll need to brush up on those and any other file types that <model> might support. Again, all of this is merely the original proposal.
There’s a lot to figure out. Most of what’s there are documented issues that need addressing. It does, however, shed more light on <model> like proposed attributes that make it feel even more like <video> such as autoplay, controls, loop, muted, poster, etc.
It goes back even further
The very earliest mention of 3D modeling I found was Keith Clark’s 2018 post in which he prototypes a custom element called <x-model>. He describes it as “a placeholder that provides access to the DOM and CSSOM” where the loading and rendering is done in three.js.
I mean, the draft spec hasn’t been fleshed out. Apple seems willing to play ball thanks to the Safari TP 161 announcement. That makes total sense given how bullish Apple is on AR as a whole. (Apple Glasses, anyone?)
Google seems to have its foot in the door, albeit on the Web Components side of things. It’s easy to see how there may be a conflict of interest between what Apple and Google want from AR on the web.
These are all just my notes from trying to grok everything. There’s gotta be a lot more nuance to it than what little I know about it so far. I’m sure someone smarter can tie neater bow around <model> in the comments. 😉
But animating these grid properties only recently gained supported by all three major browsers. Shall we take a look at a few examples to get the creative juices flowing?
A simple two-column grid. Now, before, you might not have built this using CSS Grid because animations and transitions weren’t supported, but what if you wanted the left column — perhaps a sidebar navigation — to expand on hover? Well, now that’s possible.
I know what you’re thinking: “Animating a CSS property? Easy peasy, I’ve been doing it for years!” Me too. However, I ran into an interesting snag while experimenting with a particular use case.
So, we want to transition the grid itself (specifically grid-template-columns, which is set on the .grid class in the example). But the left column (.left) is the selector that requires the :hover pseudo-class. While JavaScript can solve this conundrum easily — thanks, but no thanks — we can accomplish it with CSS alone.
Let’s walk through the whole thing, starting with the HTML. Pretty standard stuff really… a grid with two columns.
Putting the cosmetic CSS aside, you’ll first need to set display: grid on the parent container (.grid).
.grid {
display: grid;
Next, we can define and size the two columns using the grid-template-columns property. We’ll make the left column super narrow, and later increase its width on hover. The right column takes up the rest of the remaining space, thanks to the auto keyword.
We know we’re going to animate this thing, so let’s go ahead and throw a transition in there while we’re at it so the change between states is smooth and noticeable.
That’s it for the .grid! All that’s left is to apply the hover state. Specifically, we’re going to override the grid-template-columns property so that the left column takes up a greater amount of space on hover.
This alone isn’t all that interesting, although it’s awesome that animations and transitions are supported now in CSS Grid. What’s more interesting is that we can use the relatively new :has()pseudo-class to style the parent container (.grid) while the child (.left) is hovered.
.grid:has(.left:hover) {
/* Hover styles */
In plain English this is saying, “Do something to the .grid container if it contains an element named .left inside of it that is in a hover state.” That’s why :has() is often referred to as a “parent” selector. We can finally select a parent based on the children it contains — no JavaScript required!
So, let’s increase the width of the .left column to 30% when it is hovered. The .right column will continue to take up all the leftover space:
We could use CSS variables as well, which may or may not look cleaner depending on your personal preferences (or you might be using CSS variables in your project anyway):
I love that CSS grids can be animated now, but the fact that we can build this particular example with just nine lines of CSS is even more astounding.
Here’s another example by Olivia Ng — similar concept, but with content (click on the nav icon):
Example 2: Expanding Panels
This example transitions the grid container (the column widths) but also the individual columns (their background colors). It’s ideal for providing more content on hover.
It’s worth remembering that the repeat() function sometimes produces buggy transitions, which is why I set the width of each column individually (i.e. grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr).
Example 3: Adding Rows and Columns
This example animatedly “adds” a column to the grid. However — you guessed it — this scenario has a pitfall too. The requirement is that the “new” column mustn’t be hidden (i.e. set to display: none), and CSS Grid must acknowledge its existence while setting its width to 0fr.
So, for a three-column grid — grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 0fr (yes, the unit must be declared even though the value is 0!) transitions into grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr correctly, but grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr doesn’t. In hindsight, this actually makes perfect sense considering what we know about how transitions work.
Here’s another example by Michelle Barker — same concept, but with an extra column and lot more pizzazz. Make sure to run this one in full-screen mode because it’s actually responsive (no trickery, just good design!).
A few more examples
Because why not?
This “Animated Mondrian” is the original proof of concept for animated CSS grids by Chrome DevRel. The grid-row‘s and grid-column‘s utilize the span keyword to create the layout you see before you, and then the grid-template-row’s and grid-template-column‘s are animated using a CSS animation. It’s nowhere near as complex as it looks!
Same concept, but with more of that Michelle Barker pizzazz. Could make a nice loading spinner?
Wrapping up with a bit of nostalgia (showing my age here), the not-very-griddy animated CSS grid by Andrew Harvard. Again — same concept — it’s just that you can’t see the other grid items. But don’t worry, they’re there.
SvelteKit is the latest of what I’d call next-gen application frameworks. It, of course, scaffolds an application for you, with the file-based routing, deployment, and server-side rendering that Next has done forever. But SvelteKit also supports nested layouts, server mutations that sync up the data on your page, and some other niceties we’ll get into.
This post is meant to be a high-level introduction to hopefully build some excitement for anyone who’s never used SvelteKit. It’ll be a relaxed tour. If you like what you see, the full docs are here.
In some ways this is a challenging post to write. SvelteKit is an application framework. It exists to help you build… well, applications. That makes it hard to demo. It’s not feasible to build an entire application in a blog post. So instead, we’ll use our imaginations a bit. We’ll build the skeleton of an application, have some empty UI placeholders, and hard-coded static data. The goal isn’t to build an actual application, but instead to show you how SvelteKit’s moving pieces work so you can build an application of your own.
To that end, we’ll build the tried and true To-Do application as an example. But don’t worry, this will be much, much more about seeing how SvelteKit works than creating yet another To-Do app.
Spinning up a new SvelteKit project is simple enough. Run npm create svelte@latest your-app-name in the terminal and answer the question prompts. Be sure to pick “Skeleton Project” but otherwise make whatever selections you want for TypeScript, ESLint, etc.
Once the project is created, run npm i and npm run dev and a dev server should start running. Fire up localhost:5173 in the browser and you’ll get the placeholder page for the skeleton app.
Basic routing
Notice the routes folder under src. That holds code for all of our routes. There’s already a +page.svelte file in there with content for the root / route. No matter where in the file hierarchy you are, the actual page for that path always has the name +page.svelte. With that in mind, let’s create pages for /list, /details, /admin/user-settings and admin/paid-status, and also add some text placeholders for each page.
Your file layout should look something like this:
You should be able to navigate around by changing URL paths in the browser address bar.
We’ll want navigation links in our app, but we certainly don’t want to copy the markup for them on each page we create. So, let’s create a +layout.svelte file in the root of our routes folder, which SvelteKit will treat as a global template for all pages. Let’s and add some content to it:
Some rudimentary navigation with some basic styles. Of particular importance is the <slot /> tag. This is notthe slot you use with web components and shadow DOM, but rather a Svelte feature indicating where to put our content. When a page renders, the page content will slide in where the slot is.
And now we have some navigation! We won’t win any design competitions, but we’re not trying to.
Nested layouts
What if we wanted all our admin pages to inherit the normal layout we just built but also share some things common to all admin pages (but only admin pages)? No problem, we add another +layout.svelte file in our root admin directory, which will be inherited by everything underneath it. Let’s do that and add this content:
<div>This is an admin page</div>
<slot />
div {
padding: 15px;
margin: 10px 0;
background-color: red;
color: white;
We add a red banner indicating this is an admin page and then, like before, a <slot /> denoting where we want our page content to go.
Our root layout from before renders. Inside of the root layout is a <slot /> tag. The nested layout’s content goes into the root layout’s <slot />. And finally, the nested layout defines its own <slot />, into which the page content renders.
If you navigate to the admin pages, you should see the new red banner:
Defining our data
OK, let’s render some actual data — or at least, see how we can render some actual data. There’s a hundred ways to create and connect to a database. This post is about SvelteKit though, not managing DynamoDB, so we’ll “load” some static data instead. But, we’ll use all the same machinery to read and update it that you’d use for real data. For a real web app, swap out the functions returning static data with functions connecting and querying to whatever database you happen to use.
Let’s create a dirt-simple module in lib/data/todoData.ts that returns some static data along with artificial delays to simulate real queries. You’ll see this lib folder imported elsewhere via $lib. This is a SvelteKit feature for that particular folder, and you can even add your own aliases.
A function to return a flat array of our to-do items, a lookup of our tags, and a function to fetch a single to-do (we’ll use that last one in our Details page).
Loading our data
How do we get that data into our Svelte pages? There’s a number of ways, but for now, let’s create a +page.server.js file in our list folder, and put this content in it:
import { getTodos, getTags } from "$lib/data/todoData";
export function load() {
const todos = getTodos();
const tags = getTags();
return {
We’ve defined a load() function that pulls in the data needed for the page. Notice that we are notawait-ing calls to our getTodos and getTags async functions. Doing so would create a data loading waterfall as we wait for our to-do items to come in before loading our tags. Instead, we return the raw promises from load, and SvelteKit does the necessary work to await them.
So, how do we access this data from our page component? SvelteKit provides a data prop for our component with data on it. We’ll access our to-do items and tags from it using a reactive assignment.
Before we move on to the Details page and mutate data, let’s take a peek at a really neat SvelteKit feature: layout groups. We’ve already seen nested layouts for all admin pages, but what if we wanted to share a layout between arbitrary pages at the same level of our file system? In particular, what if we wanted to share a layout between only our List page and our Details page? We already have a global layout at that level. Instead, we can create a new directory, but with a name that’s in parenthesis, like this:
We now have a layout group that covers our List and Details pages. I named it (todo-management) but you can name it anything you like. To be clear, this name will not affect the URLs of the pages inside of the layout group. The URLs will remain the same; layout groups allow you to add shared layouts to pages without them all comprising the entirety of a directory in routes.
We could add a +layout.svelte file and some silly <div> banner saying, “Hey we’re managing to-dos”. But let’s do something more interesting. Layouts can define load() functions in order to provide data for all routes underneath them. Let’s use this functionality to load our tags — since we’ll be using our tags in our details page — in addition to the list page we already have.
In reality, forcing a layout group just to provide a single piece of data is almost certainly not worth it; it’s better to duplicate that data in the load() function for each page. But for this post, it’ll provide the excuse we need to see a new SvelteKit feature!
First, let’s go into our list page’s +page.server.js file and remove the tags from it.
import { getTodos, getTags } from "$lib/data/todoData";
export function load() {
const todos = getTodos();
return {
Our List page should now produce an error since there is no tags object. Let’s fix this by adding a +layout.server.js file in our layout group, then define a load() function that loads our tags.
import { getTags } from "$lib/data/todoData";
export function load() {
const tags = getTags();
return {
And, just like that, our List page is rendering again!
We’re loading data from multiple locations
Let’s put a fine point on what’s happening here:
We defined a load() function for our layout group, which we put in +layout.server.js.
This provides data for all of the pages the layout serves — which in this case means our List and Details pages.
Our List page also defines a load() function that goes in its +page.server.js file.
SvelteKit does the grunt work of taking the results of these data sources, merging them together, and making both available in data.
Our Details page
We’ll use our Details page to edit a to-do item. First, let’s add a column to the table in our List page that links to the Details page with the to-do item’s ID in the query string.
<td><a href="/details?id={}">Edit</a></td>
Now let’s build out our Details page. First, we’ll add a loader to grab the to-do item we’re editing. Create a +page.server.js in /details, with this content:
import { getTodo, updateTodo, wait } from "$lib/data/todoData";
export function load({ url }) {
const id = url.searchParams.get("id");
const todo = getTodo(id);
return {
Our loader comes with a url property from which we can pull query string values. This makes it easy to look up the to-do item we’re editing. Let’s render that to-do, along with functionality to edit it.
SvelteKit has wonderful built-in mutation capabilities, so long as you use forms. Remember forms? Here’s our Details page. I’ve elided the styles for brevity.
We’re grabbing the tags as before from our layout group’s loader and the to-do item from our page’s loader. We’re grabbing the actual tag objects from the to-do’s list of tag IDs and then rendering everything. We create a form with a hidden input for the ID and a real input for the title. We display the tags and then provide a button to submit the form.
If you noticed the use:enhance, that simply tells SvelteKit to use progressive enhancement and Ajax to submit our form. You’ll likely always use that.
How do we save our edits?
Notice the action="?/editTodo" attribute on the form itself? This tells us where we want to submit our edited data. For our case, we want to submit to an editTodo “action.”
Let’s create it by adding the following to the +page.server.js file we already have for Details (which currently has a load() function, to grab our to-do):
Form actions give us a request object, which provides access to our formData, which has a get method for our various form fields. We added that hidden input for the ID value so we could grab it here in order to look up the to-do item we’re editing. We simulate a delay, call a new updateTodo() method, then redirect the user back to the /list page. The updateTodo() method merely updates our static data; in real life you’d run some sort of update in whatever datastore you’re using.
export async function updateTodo(id, newTitle) {
const todo = todos.find(t => == id);
Object.assign(todo, { title: newTitle });
Let’s try it out. We’ll go to the List page first:
Now let’s click the Edit button for one of the to-do items to bring up the editing page in /details.
We’re going to add a new title:
Now, click Save. That should get us back to our /list page, with the new to-do title applied.
How did the new title show up like that? It was automatic. Once we redirected to the /list page, SvelteKit automatically re-ran all of our loaders just like it would have done regardless. This is the key advancement that next-gen application frameworks, like SvelteKit, Remix, and Next 13 provide. Rather than giving you a convenient way to render pages then wishing you the best of luck fetching whatever endpoints you might have to update data, they integrate data mutation alongside data loading, allowing the two to work in tandem.
A few things you might be wondering…
This mutation update doesn’t seem too impressive. The loaders will re-run whenever you navigate. What if we hadn’t added a redirect in our form action, but stayed on the current page? SvelteKit would perform the update in the form action, like before, but would still re-run all of the loaders for the current page, including the loaders in the page layout(s).
Can we have more targeted means of invalidating our data? For example, our tags were not edited, so in real life we wouldn’t want to re-query them. Yes, what I showed you is just the default forms behavior in SvelteKit. You can turn the default behavior off by providing a callback to use:enhance. Then SvelteKit provides manual invalidation functions.
Loading data on every navigation is potentially expensive, and unnecessary. Can I cache this data like I do with tools like react-query? Yes, just differently. SvelteKit lets you set (and then respect) the cache-control headers the web already provides. And I’ll be covering cache invalidation mechanisms in a follow-on post.
Everything we’ve done throughout this article uses static data and modifies values in memory. If you need to revert everything and start over, stop and restart the npm run dev Node process.
Wrapping up
We’ve barely scratched the surface of SvelteKit, but hopefully you’ve seen enough to get excited about it. I can’t remember the last time I’ve found web development this much fun. With things like bundling, routing, SSR, and deployment all handled out of the box, I get to spend more time coding than configuring.
Here are a few more resources you can use as next steps learning SvelteKit:
This article is not a definitive guide to :has(). It’s also not here to regurgitate what’s already been said. It’s just me (hi 👋) jumping on the bandwagon for a moment to share some of the ways I’m most likely to use :has() in my day-to-day work… that is, once it is officially supported by Firefox which is imminent.
When that does happen, you can bet I’ll start using :has() all over the place. Here are some real-world examples of things I’ve built recently and thought to myself, “Gee, this’ll be so much nicer once :has() is fully supported.”
Avoid having to reach outside your JavaScript component
Have you ever built an interactive component that sometimes needs to affect styles somewhere else on the page? Take the following example, where <nav> is a mega menu, and opening it changes the colors of the <header> content above it.
I feel like I need to do this kind of thing all the time.
This particular example is a React component I made for a site. I had to “reach outside” the React part of the page with document.querySelector(...) and toggle a class on the <body>, <header>, or another component. That’s not the end of the world, but it sure feels a bit yuck. Even in a fully React site (a Next.js site, say), I’d have to choose between managing a menuIsOpen state way higher up the component tree, or do the same DOM element selection — which isn’t very React-y.
With :has(), the problem goes away:
header:has(.megamenu--open) {
/* style the header differently if it contains
an element with the class ".megamenu--open"
No more fiddling with other parts of the DOM in my JavaScript components!
Better table striping UX
Adding alternate row “stripes” to your tables can be a nice UX improvement. They help your eyes keep track of which row you’re on as you scan the table.
But in my experience, this doesn’t work great on tables with just two or three rows. If you have, for example, a table with three rows in the <tbody> and you’re “striping” every “even” row, you could end up with just one stripe. That’s not really worth a pattern and might have users wondering what’s so special about that one highlighted row.
What to get fancier? You could also decide to only do this if the table has at least a certain number of columns, too:
table:has(:is(td, th):nth-child(3)) {
/* only do stuff if there are three or more columns */
Remove conditional class logic from templates
I often need to change a page layout depending on what’s on the page. Take the following Grid layout, where the placement of the main content changes grid areas depending on whether there’s a sidebar present.
That’s something that might depend on whether there are sibling pages set in the CMS. I’d normally do this with template logic to conditionally add BEM modifier classes to the layout wrapper to account for both layouts. That CSS might look something like this (responsive rules and other stuff omitted for brevity):
/* m = main content */
/* s = sidebar */
.standard-page--with-sidebar {
grid-template-areas: 's s s m m m m m m m m m';
.standard-page--without-sidebar {
grid-template-areas: '. m m m m m m m m m . .';
CSS-wise, this is totally fine, of course. But it does make the template code a little messy. Depending on your templating language it can get pretty ugly to conditionally add a bunch of classes, especially if you have to do this with lots of child elements too.
Contrast that with a :has()-based approach:
/* m = main content */
/* s = sidebar */
.standard-page:has(.sidebar) {
grid-template-areas: 's s s m m m m m m m m m';
.standard-page:not(:has(.sidebar)) {
grid-template-areas: '. m m m m m m m m m . .';
Honestly, that’s not a whole lot better CSS-wise. But removing the conditional modifier classes from the HTML template is a nice win if you ask me.
It’s easy to think of micro design decisions for :has() — like a card when it has an image in it — but I think it’ll be really useful for these macro layout changes too.
Better specificity management
If you read my last article, you’ll know I’m a stickler for specificity. If, like me, you don’t want your specificity scores blowing out when adding :has() and :not() throughout your styles, be sure to use :where().
That’s because the specificity of :has() is based on the most specific element in its argument list. So, if you have something like an ID in there, your selector is going to be tough to override in the cascade.
/* specificity score: 0,1,0.
Same as a .standard-page--with-sidebar
modifier class
.standard-page:where(:has(.sidebar)) {
/* etc */
The future’s bright
These are just a few things I can’t wait to be able to use in production. The CSS-Tricks Almanac has a bunch of examples, too. What are you looking forward to doing with :has()? What sort of some real-world examples have you run into where :has() would have been the perfect solution?
While I am not a regular Chrome extension programmer, I have certainly coded enough extensions and have a wide enough web development portfolio to know my way around the task. However, just recently, I had a client reject one of my extensions as I received feedback that my extension was “outdated”.
As I was scrambling to figure out what was wrong, I swept my embarrassment under the carpet and immediately began my deep dive back into the world of Chrome Extensions. Unfortunately, information on Manifest V3 was scarce and it was difficult for me to understand quickly what this transition was all about.
Needless to say, with a pending job, I had to painstakingly navigate my way around Google’s Chrome Developer Documentation and figure things out for myself. While I got the job done, I did not want my knowledge and research in this area to go to waste and decided to share what I wish I could have had easy access to in my learning journey.
Why the transition to Manifest 3 is important
Manifest V3 is an API that Google will use in its Chrome browser. It is the successor to the current API, Manifest V2, and governs how Chrome extensions interact with the browser. Manifest V3 introduces significant changes to the rules for extensions, some of which will be the new mainstay from V2 we were used to.
Manifest V3 will officially begin rolling out in January 2023.
By June 2023, extensions that run Manifest V2 will no longer be available on the Chrome Web Store.
Extensions that do not comply with the new rules introduced in Manifest V3 will eventually be removed from the Chrome Web Store.
One of the main goals of Manifest V3 is to make users safer and improve the overall browser experience. Previously, many browser extensions relied on code in the cloud, meaning it could be difficult to assess whether an extension was risky. Manifest V3 aims to address this by requiring extensions to contain all the code they will run, allowing Google to scan them and detect potential risks. It also forces extensions to request permission from Google for the changes they can implement on the browser.
Staying up-to-date with Google’s transition to Manifest V3 is important because it introduces new rules for extensions that aim to improve user safety and the overall browser experience, and extensions that do not comply with these rules will eventually be removed from the Chrome Web Store.
In short, all of your hard work in creating extensions that used Manifest V2 could be for naught if you do not make this transition in the coming months.
January 2023
June 2023
January 2024
Support for Manifest V2 extensions will be turned off in Chrome’s Canary, Dev, and Beta channels.
The Chrome Web Store will no longer allow Manifest V2 extensions to be published with visibility set to Public.
The Chrome Web Store will remove all remaining Manifest V2 extensions.
Manifest V3 will be required for the Featured badge in the Chrome Web Store.
Existing Manifest V2 extensions that are published and publically visible will become unlisted.
Support for Manifest 2 will end for all of Chrome’s channels, including the Stable channel, unless the Enterprise channel is extended.
The key differences between Manifest V2 and V3
There are many differences between the two, and while I highly recommend that you read up on Chrome’s “Migrating to Manifest V3” guide, here is a short and sweet summary of key points:
Network request modification is handled with the new declarativeNetRequest API in Manifest V3.
In Manifest V3, extensions can only execute JavaScript that is included within their package and cannot use remotely-hosted code.
Manifest V3 introduces promise support to many methods, though callbacks are still supported as an alternative.
Host permissions in Manifest V3 are a separate element and must be specified in the "host_permissions" field.
The content security policy in Manifest V3 is an object with members representing alternative content security policy (CSP) contexts, rather than a string as it was in Manifest V2.
In a simple Chrome Extension’s Manifest that alters a webpage’s background, that might look like this:
// Manifest V2
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Shane's Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "A simple extension that changes the background of a webpage to Shane's face.",
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"],
"persistent": true
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"permissions": [ "activeTab", ],
"optional_permissions": ["<all_urls>"]
// Manifest V3
"manifest_version": 3,
"name": "Shane's Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "A simple extension that changes the background of a webpage to Shane's face.",
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js"
"action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"permissions": [ "activeTab", ],
"host_permissions": [ "<all_urls>" ]
If you find some of the tags above seem foreign to you, keep reading to find out exactly what you need to know.
How to smoothly transition to Manifest V3
I have summarized the transition to Manifest V3 in four key areas. Of course, while there are many bells and whistles in the new Manifest V3 that need to be implemented from the old Manifest V2, implementing changes in these four areas will get your Chrome Extension well on the right track for the eventual transition.
The four key areas are:
Updating your Manifest’s basic structure.
Modify your host permissions.
Update the content security policy.
Modify your network request handling.
With these four areas, your Manifest’s fundamentals will be ready for the transition to Manifest V3. Let’s look at each of these key aspects in detail and see how we can work towards future-proofing your Chrome Extension from this transition.
Updating your Manifest’s basic structure
Updating your manifest’s basic structure is the first step in transitioning to Manifest V3. The most important change you will need to make is changing the value of the "manifest_version" element to 3, which determines that you are using the Manifest V3 feature set.
One of the major differences between Manifest V2 and V3 is the replacement of background pages with a single extension service worker in Manifest V3. You will need to register the service worker under the "background" field, using the "service_worker" key and specify a single JavaScript file. Even though Manifest V3 does not support multiple background scripts, you can optionally declare the service worker as an ES Module by specifying "type": "module", which allows you to import further code.
In Manifest V3, the "browser_action" and "page_action" properties are unified into a single "action" property. You will need to replace these properties with "action" in your manifest. Similarly, the "chrome.browserAction" and "chrome.pageAction" APIs are unified into a single “Action” API in Manifest V3, and you will need to migrate to this API.
Overall, updating your manifest’s basic structure is a crucial step in the process of transitioning to Manifest V3, as it allows you to take advantage of the new features and changes introduced in this version of the API.
Modify your host permissions
The second step in transitioning to Manifest V3 is modifying your host permissions. In Manifest V2, you specify host permissions in the "permissions" field in the manifest file. In Manifest V3, host permissions are a separate element, and you should specify them in the "host_permissions" field in the manifest file.
Here is an example of how to modify your host permissions:
In order to update the CSP of your Manifest V2 extension to be compliant with Manifest V3, you will need to make some changes to your manifest file. In Manifest V2, the CSP was specified as a string in the "content_security_policy" field of the manifest.
In Manifest V3, the CSP is now an object with different members representing alternative CSP contexts. Instead of a single "content_security_policy" field, you will now have to specify separate fields for "content_security_policy.extension_pages" and "content_security_policy.sandbox", depending on the type of extension pages you are using.
You should also remove any references to external domains in the "script-src", "worker-src", "object-src", and "style-src" directives if they are present. It is important to make these updates to your CSP in order to ensure the security and stability of your extension in Manifest V3.
The final step in transitioning to Manifest V3 is modifying your network request handling. In Manifest V2, you would have used the chrome.webRequest API to modify network requests. However, this API is replaced in Manifest V3 by the declarativeNetRequest API.
To use this new API, you will need to specify the declarativeNetRequest permission in your manifest and update your code to use the new API. One key difference between the two APIs is that the declarativeNetRequest API requires you to specify a list of predetermined addresses to block, rather than being able to block entire categories of HTTP requests as you could with the chrome.webRequest API.
It is important to make these changes in your code to ensure that your extension continues to function properly under Manifest V3. Here is an example of how you would modify your manifest to use the declarativeNetRequest API in Manifest V3:
You will also need to update your extension code to use the declarativeNetRequest API instead of the chrome.webRequest API.
Other aspects you need to check
What I have covered is just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, if I wanted to cover everything, I could be here for days and there would be no point in having Google’s Chrome Developers guides. While what I covered will have you future-proofed enough to arm your Chrome extensions in this transition, here are some other things you might want to look at to ensure your extensions are functioning at the top of their game.
Migrating background scripts to the service worker execution context: As mentioned earlier, Manifest V3 replaces background pages with a single extension service worker, so it may be necessary to update background scripts to adapt to the service worker execution context.
Unifying the**chrome.browserAction**and**chrome.pageAction**APIs: These two equivalent APIs are unified into a single API in Manifest V3, so it may be necessary to migrate to the Action API.
Migrating functions that expect a Manifest V2 background context: The adoption of service workers in Manifest V3 is not compatible with methods like chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(), chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(), chrome.extension.getExtensionTabs(), and chrome.extension.getViews(). It may be necessary to migrate to a design that passes messages between other contexts and the background service worker.
Moving CORS requests in content scripts to the background service worker: It may be necessary to move CORS requests in content scripts to the background service worker in order to comply with Manifest V3.
Migrating away from executing external code or arbitrary strings: Manifest V3 no longer allows the execution of external logic using chrome.scripting.executeScript({code: '...'}), eval(), and new Function(). It may be necessary to move all external code (JavaScript, WebAssembly, CSS) into the extension bundle, update script and style references to load resources from the extension bundle, and use chrome.runtime.getURL() to build resource URLs at runtime.
Updating certain scripting and CSS methods in the Tabs API: As mentioned earlier, several methods move from the Tabs API to the Scripting API in Manifest V3. It may be necessary to update any calls to these methods to use the correct Manifest V3 API.
And many more!
Feel free to take some time to get yourself up to date on all the changes. After all, this change is inevitable and if you do not want your Manifest V2 extensions to be lost due to avoiding this transition, then spend some time arming yourself with the necessary knowledge.
On the other hand, if you are new to programming Chrome extensions and looking to get started, a great way to go about it is to dive into the world of Chrome’s Web Developer tools. I did so through a course on Linkedin Learning, which got me up to speed pretty quickly. Once you have that base knowledge, come back to this article and translate what you know to Manifest V3!
So, how will I be using the features in the new Manifest V3 going forward?
Well, to me, the transition to Manifest V3 and the removal of the chrome.webRequest API seems to be shifting extensions away from data-centric use cases (such as ad blockers) to more functional and application-based uses. I have been staying away from application development lately as it can get quite resource-intensive at times. However, this shift might be what brings me back!
The rise of AI tools in recent times, many with available-to-use APIs, has sparked tons of new and fresh SaaS applications. Personally, I think that it’s coming at a perfect time with the shift to more application-based Chrome extensions! While many of the older extensions may be wiped out from this transition, plenty of new ones built around novel SaaS ideas will come to take their place.
Hence, this is an exciting update to hop on and revamp old extensions or build new ones! Personally, I see many possibilities in using APIs that involve AI being used in extensions to enhance a user’s browsing experience. But that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re looking to really get into things with your own professional extensions or reaching out to companies to build/update extensions for them, I would recommend upgrading your Gmail account for the benefits it gives in collaborating, developing, and publishing extensions to the Chrome Web Store.
However, remember that every developer’s requirements are different, so learn what you need to keep your current extensions afloat, or your new ones going!
If you’ve ever worked on sites with lots of long-form text — especially CMS sites where people can enter screeds of text in a WYSIWYG editor — you’ve likely had to write CSS to manage the vertical spacing between different typographic elements, like headings, paragraphs, lists and so on.
It’s surprisingly tricky to get this right. And it’s one reason why things like the Tailwind Typography plugin and Stack Overflow’s Prose exist — although these handle much more than just vertical spacing.
What makes typographic vertical spacing complicated?
Surely it should just be as simple as saying that each element — p, h2, ul, etc. — has some amount of top and/or bottom margin… right? Sadly, this isn’t the case. Consider this desired behavior:
The first and last elements in a block of long-form text shouldn’t have any extra space above or below (respectively). This is so that other, non-typographic elements are still placed predictably around the long-form content.
Sections within the long-form content should have a nice big space between them. A “section” being a heading and all the following content that belongs to that heading. In practice, this means having a nice big space before a heading… but not if that heading is immediately preceded by another heading!
We want to more space above the Heading 3 when it follows a typographic element, like a paragraph, but less space when it immediately follows another heading.
You need to look no further than right here at CSS-Tricks to see where this could come in handy. Here are a couple of screenshots of spacing I pulled from another article.
The vertical spacing between Heading 2 and Heading 3The vertical space between Heading 3 and a paragraph
The traditional solution
The typical solution I’ve seen involves putting any long-form content in a wrapping div (or a semantic tag, if appropriate). My go-to class name has been .rich-text, which I think I use as a hangover from older versions of the Wagtail CMS, which would add this class automatically when rendering WYSIWYG content. Tailwind Typography uses a .prose class (plus some modifier classes).
Then we add CSS to select all typographic elements in that wrapper and add vertical margins. Noting, of course, the special behavior mentioned above to do with stacked headings and the first/last element.
The traditional solution sounds reasonable… what’s the problem?
Rigid structure
Having to add a wrapper class like .rich-text in all the right places means baking in a specific structure to your HTML code. That’s sometimes necessary, but it feels like it shouldn’t have to be in this particular case. It can also be easy to forget to do this everywhere you need to, especially if you need to use it for a mix of CMS and hard-coded content.
The HTML structure gets even more rigid when you want to be able to trim the top and bottom margin off the first and last elements, respectively, because they need to be immediate children of the wrapper element, e.g., .rich-text > *:first-child. That > is important — after all, we don’t want to accidentally select the first list item in each ul or ol with this selector.
Mixing margin properties
In the pre-:has() world, we haven’t had a way to select an element based on what follows it. Therefore, the traditional approach to spacing typographic elements involves using a mix of both margin-top and margin-bottom:
We start by setting our default spacing to elements with margin-bottom.
Next, we space out our “sections” using margin-top — i.e. very big space above each heading
Then we override those big margin-tops when a heading is followed immediately by another heading using the adjacent sibling selector (e.g. h2 + h3).
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt it’s better to use a single margin direction when spacing things out, generally favoring margin-bottom (that’s assuming the CSS gap property isn’t feasible, which it is not in this case). Whether this is a big deal, or even true, I’ll let you decide. But personally, I’d rather be setting margin-bottom for spacing long-form content.
Collapsing margins
Because of collapsing margins, this mix of top and bottom margins isn’t a big problem per se. Only the larger of two stacked margins will take effect, not the sum of both margins. But… well… I don’t really like collapsing margins.
Collapsing margins are yet one more thing to be aware of. It might be confusing for junior devs who aren’t up to speed with that CSS quirk. The spacing will totally change (i.e. stop collapsing) if you were to change the wrapper to a flex layout with flex-direction: column for instance, which is something that wouldn’t happen if you set your vertical margins in a single direction.
I more-or-less know how collapsing margins work, and I know that they’re there by design. I also know they’ve made my life easier on occasion. But they’ve also made it harder other times. I just think they’re kinda weird, and I’d generally rather avoid relying on them.
The :has() solution
And here is my attempt at solving these issues with :has().
My solution doesn’t include all possible typographic elements. For instance, there’s no <blockquote> in my demo. The selector list is easy enough to extend though.
My solution also doesn’t handle non-typographic elements that may be present in your particular long-form text blocks, e.g. <img>. That’s because for the sites I work on, we tend to lock down the WYSIWYG as much as possible to core text nodes, like headings, paragraphs, and lists. Anything else — e.g. quotes, images, tables, etc. — is a separate CMS component block, and those blocks themselves are spaced apart from each other when rendered on a page. But again, the selector list can be extended.
I’ve only included h1 for the sake of completeness. I usually wouldn’t allow a CMS user to add an h1 via WYSIWYG, as the page title would be baked into the page template somewhere rather than entered in the CMS page editor.
I’m not catering for a heading followed immediately by the same level heading (h2 + h2). This would mean that the first heading wouldn’t “own” any content, which seems like a misuse of headings (and, correct me if I’m wrong, but it might violate WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships). I’m also not catering for skipped heading levels, which are invalid.
I am in no way knocking the existing approaches I mentioned. If and when I build another Tailwind site I’ll use the excellent Typography plugin, no question!
I’m not a designer. I came up with these spacing values by eyeballing it. You probably could (and should) use better values.
Specificity and project structure
I was going to write a whole big thing here about how the traditional method and the new :has() way of doing it might fit into the ITCSS methodology… But now that we have :where() (the zero-specificity selector) you can pretty much choose your preferred level of specificity for any selector now.
That said, the fact that we’re no longer dealing with a wrapper — .prose, .rich-text, etc. — to me makes it feel like this should live in the “elements” layer, i.e. before you start dealing with class-level specificity. I’ve used :where() in my examples to keep specificity consistent. All the selectors in both of my examples have a specificity score of 0,0,1 (except for the bare-bones reset).
Wrapping up
So there you have it, a bleeding-edge solution to a very boring problem! This newer approach is still not what I’d call “simple” CSS — as I said at the beginning, it’s a more complex topic than it might seem at first. But aside from having a few slightly complex selectors, I think the new approach makes more sense overall, and the less rigid HTML structure seems very appealing.
If you end up using this, or something like it, I’d love to know how it works out for you. And if you can think of ways to improve it, I’d love to hear those too!